King Tractor on Films & Comic Books

A small comic book publisher daily struggles.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Family Bones #3 shipping to Diamond asap.

Got a final copy of Family Bones #3, looks great. The cover looks especially nice. So I expect that they're all shipping to Diamond next week and in stores asap. I would reserve your copy today since #1 and #2 sold out at many retailers. Mostly gone except for the few available at the King Tractor Press con tables. If you aren't going to the con you can order here, I just checked and most retailers have already sold out of the books they pre-ordered. I'd appreciate if you could ask your retailer to order #4 in March. MAR073574

Speaking of cons, we're going to be at the New York Comic Con Feb. 23rd-25th at Booth 959.

The line-up so far.

T.J. May, Jason May, David Berman, Shawn Granger, Byron Jackson, Buddy Scalera and Joe Caramanga will be at the booth throughout the weekend.'s going to be one packed table. There is a good chance though that we'll have to rotate who is actually at the table signing/sketching.

Great chance to meet up with us face-to-face. A couple press releases should be out soon with more info on special exclusives and such.


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