King Tractor on Films & Comic Books

A small comic book publisher daily struggles.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

NY Comic Con Bound....don't forget to stop at Booth 959.

Saturday, February 10, 2007


If you haven't been following the King Tractor Press series, great time to start.


The Devilfish Project

Plus catch us at Booth 959 at the New York Comic Con or at Wizard World LA in March.

King Tractor Press

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Family Bones #3 shipping to Diamond asap.

Got a final copy of Family Bones #3, looks great. The cover looks especially nice. So I expect that they're all shipping to Diamond next week and in stores asap. I would reserve your copy today since #1 and #2 sold out at many retailers. Mostly gone except for the few available at the King Tractor Press con tables. If you aren't going to the con you can order here, I just checked and most retailers have already sold out of the books they pre-ordered. I'd appreciate if you could ask your retailer to order #4 in March. MAR073574

Speaking of cons, we're going to be at the New York Comic Con Feb. 23rd-25th at Booth 959.

The line-up so far.

T.J. May, Jason May, David Berman, Shawn Granger, Byron Jackson, Buddy Scalera and Joe Caramanga will be at the booth throughout the weekend.'s going to be one packed table. There is a good chance though that we'll have to rotate who is actually at the table signing/sketching.

Great chance to meet up with us face-to-face. A couple press releases should be out soon with more info on special exclusives and such.

Steven Barr, writer of Devil Water, interviewed on Sequential Tart

Sequential Tart recently did an interview with the rising star, Steven Barr, writer of King Tractor Press' comic book "Devil Water".